
Lose Weight by Eating Less the Proper Way

Do you remember what happened when you were a little kid and you ate too much food? You would have felt bloated and quite possibly made yourself sick. So we all know the stomach has a limit and if you go over that you're not going to feel too well for a few hours afterward. What do you think happens if you do this too often? That's right your stomach will stretch. The more you do it the less often you feel bloated and little by little you increase your ability to eat more and more food without getting sick. This is one of the ways that you can become overweight and it can be taxing on the body and very unhealthy. Another way is to eat high-calorie foods and we'll get to that in a minute. Most of us would agree that you can lose weight by eating less but does it really work? In the short term yes but what about the long term? Can you really expect to just keep starving yourself to keep the weight off? There is no easy answer to this because there are a few differen